Charline Avenel

Charline Avenel is executive vice president of Sciences Po. She’s in charge of financial affairs, human ressources, law affairs, IT, real estate, institutionnal relashionships, disabled policy and gender policy.
She’s also in charge of major transversal projects for Sciences Po : governance transformation, business plan change, the Artillerie real estate project and transformation projects.
Founded in 1871, Sciences Po is France’s leading and highly selective university for social sciences. Sciences Po stands out for combining approaches and confronting different worldviews. This tradition of diversity and multidisciplinary approach makes Sciences Po an active participant in public debate, a forum where thought meets action. It offers courses from undergraduate through to Ph.d level in a broad range of subjects including international relations, public affairs, communication, management, law and finance.
Prior to her appointment as chief administrator of Sciences Po in May 2013, Charline Avenel served as deputy director of the ANR (French National Research Agency).
From September 2007 to May 2012, she held the positions of fiscal advisor and assistant cabinet director for the Ministers of Higher Education and Research.(Valérie Pécresse and Laurent Wauquiez)
Earlier in her career, Charline Avenel was deputy head of division in the budget department of the Ministry of Finance, “interior and government policy” division (2006-2007) and “research and higher education” division (2004-2006).
Charline Avenel is a graduate of Sciences Po (1999) and ENA- Ecole Nationale d’Administration (2004).